Growing Apart

unnamedIn the first grade I formed a friendship with a girl who would remain my best friend until high school. When we started ninth grade, I assumed nothing would change.  How wrong I truly was.

I believed that our friendship could withstand the pressures of high school, and at first we remained very close. After a while, however, we began drifting apart. Our different interests led us to take different classes, join other clubs, and make new friends.  Eventually, she began to absent herself from our usual lunchtime hang out, our refuge from a stressful day. In the middle of my sophomore year I decided to address the problem before it became unfixable. At first I was tentative, using hints to express my concerns and my affection for her. Her response, however, was lackluster–she either did not recognize the issue or just didn’t see it as a problem. The second time I broached the topic, though, she seemed more receptive, saying she missed me too. I said we were drifting apart, and expressed my desire to reverse the tide. We reevaluated our friendship and decided to start clean. I began seeking her out during lunch and after school, and, after a while, I noticed her doing the same. Slowly we began to find each other again. Today our friendship is stronger and richer than ever. I believe this lesson can be applied to a broader spectrum.  Peace and friendship between people, and nations, can only be achieved through effective communication and hard work.


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