That One Recipe

Photo by: Jessamyn

We all have those recipes that we always lean back on. They are simple yet still intriguing. It may be your favorite food, someone else’s, your favorite thing to make, or the only thing you know how to make. Whichever one it is, we all have that recipe that is worn and bent. It has been pulled out of the cube board too many to count and has stains from all the food that has been spilled on it. You know it by heart, it is an instinct that you don’t even realize you have.

Mine is Biscuits and Eggs. My mother would make it every weekend when I was little and I would always help her. I haven’t made them in a while but I can guarantee that it would be like riding a bike.Just like with the recipe that is engraved in my mind, we have those writing patterns that are engraved in our minds.We all tend to go to this one

Photo By: Peter Hoyles (cc)
Photo By: Peter Hoyles

way of writing that we are used to, whether it is because it is our favorite or the way we were taught. It may not be bad, but we are missing out on growing our writing skills. It is good to look at different writing styles and to try and add them to your writing process. You never know how much that could improve your quality of writing.

I have to write a description essay for English and have gotten so many different ideas of how to write, like little recipes from each person. I gain something by taking in everyone’s opinions. Some people go into great depth of what they do with that thing and how that makes them feel or they focus on the thing itself and describe that with fine details. Each person starts their recipe for writing differently and adds diverse ingredients. It is good to try and break those comfortable ways, to pick up a new recipe and get it tattered.


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